
“The African Brain” is a blog that speaks to the education of the American Negro. It is my goal to educate the readership of African American history through my reflection on African American Literature. The term “African Brain” was coined by Tupac Shakur in his reference to the applying of African names. He was speaking to the practice of disposing our Christian or slave names and liberating ourselves by taking on African names. He states that one cannot have an African name without having an African brain. It is imperative that whoever claims their African heritage have an understanding of African ideals and African history. The history before slavery through and to the present. For those that are uneducated I pray that you are educated. For those that are supporters I pray that you are encouraged. But ultimately I pray that we will have a better understanding of this particular group of American people, their culture and ideals as relates to the history of this beautiful country.

Claudia Marion Allen

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